Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Greetings. This blog introduces The Baby Food Chef. A personal chef service providing homemade organic baby and toddler food.

If you are having challenges with making your own baby food.  Not sure how to start, or what foods to start with.  Or if you have run out of ideas beyond the basic purees, or cant find the time to make your own, but want your baby to enjoy home made food.  I can help.

I'll bring to your home the freshest organic ingredients, my baby food toolkit, and my years of experience with pureed and minced foods to make the tastiest and most nutritious baby food for your little one.

Just clear a section of your freezer, and let me use your kitchen for an evening, to help your baby develop a love for healthy homemade food!

Watch and learn, or roll up your sleeves and join me!

Here are some services offered:
*prices include all ingredients and storage equipment

First Tastes 6-9months
A variety of seasonal organic fruit, grains and vegetable purees
1 session: $75 (approx 90min)

Second Stage 9-12months
Mixed purees incorporating organic meats, grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables and dairy
1 session: $100 (approx 2hrs)

Toddler Time 12-18months
Chunky meals and finger foods
1 session: $100 (approx 2 hrs)

Baby Food Tasting Party
An excellent idea for a mom's get together or birthday party. A variety of exciting age appropriate baby foods for your little ones to try. I'll supply the food, high chairs, spoons and bowls. Also included is a party hat and bib for the babies!
1 party: $200 (approx 3 hours)

Contact The Baby Food Chef
Janine Mosley
416 535-1514

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fish and Omega-3s Recipe: Baked salmon with new potatoes and honey glazed carrots

Here is a quick affordable mid-week meal suitable for all ages, from infant to adult. I try to offer fish at least once a week to my picky 18month old. Sometimes he'll eat a few bites, sometimes he turn up his nose. Fish is a nutritous protein, containing healthy omega-3 fats that aid in brain development and heart health. Toddlers 1-3 need 0.7mg per day, and oily fish is the best source. Failing that, walnuts and flax seeds or oil are good options. There are several kid-friendly fortified foods available in grocery stores, namely orange juice, eggs and yogurt.

Certian varieties of fish may contain high levels of mercury. Some species are suffering from over-fishing and depleted stocks, while some farming practices can be environmentally damaging. Toronto Public Health recently published a great easy to read wallet sized guide to eating fish for women and children. Here is a link to the PDF:

In general, fresh or frozen wild salmon and canned light tuna are safe bets. Most experts advise waiting until a child is at least 1 year old before offering fish to reduce the likelyhood of an allergic reaction, but with no history of fish allergy in our family, I started offering it at about 8 months without any issues.

Here's the recipe:

Baked Salmon

2 fresh salmon steaks

2 Cloves of Garlic

1 ts of grated lemon zest

1 Tbl of Olive Oil

salt and pepper to taste

New Potatoes

1LB of New Potatoes


Honey Glazed Carrots

1 Bag of peeled and washed Baby Carrots

1 TBL of fresh parsley

1 ts of honey